CREATE: minimalism

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The Power of Miracles

True confession: when I was broke and my house was a mess, I didn’t believe in miracles. I prided myself on being “realistic” and “sensible.” In my heart, I think I did believe in miracles but I was afraid they were for other people - people better than I was.

What changed for me was holding my own little “miracles,” my sweet children. Three things happened.

1) I knew I was holding my miracle.

2) I knew I didn’t deserve it, but I received it with a heart-breaking joy.

3) I knew God had told me to get my house in order to be able to raise these miracles without the mess and brokenness in the area of money. I knew I had to get myself in gear and do my part of my miracle.

Today, I live in a house of miracles - six children total and story upon story of miracles. I also have had the privilege of experiencing many of my own financial miracles.

Let me be super clear - there is a privilege too in the hard, sweaty work that included my part to be ready to receive those miracles. Just because I had a part to play doesn’t mean I “created” the miracle. I know for a fact that it could only have been the hand of God.

The power of miracles is that we completely must trust in God and yet we also have our part to play.

And today, I have the deepest joy in sharing more miracle stories with you. As part of the a video Masterclass I put together, I’ve created an 11-minute video pulling together the miracle stories that I’ve had a front row seat to participate with my clients as their miracles unfold in the areas of minimalism and money.

This free video is part of Powerful Wives Masterclass Series put together by my lovely and talented friend Jenny-lyn Allen.

Jenny-lyn is a certified professional coach who is empowering women in life and marriage all over the world. Plus, she’s had her own money miracles as well. She has pulled together a group of high-caliber ladies to bring you the best training that you need, even if you feel like you are writing your new story against incredible obstacles.

My Masterclass is available today and there's an awesome FREE preview. It's called Miracle Stories because it's so vital for you to know that it's possible for YOU. There’s no catch. Yes, it's truly free. If you’d like to purchase the whole masterclass, we’ve kept the price ridiculously low and you’ll gain practical, action steps to position yourself to be ready for miracles. If you just need encouragement, grab the Miracle Stories right now.

So grab a cup of tea and that free 11-minute video called Miracle Stories and check out the Masterclass today!

Blessings for your miracles,
